Noodlin’ With Ms. Nesha
My very favorite moments directing Lifehouse have been the opportunities to sit down with dancers to discuss the principles and lessons we get to learn through the art form of dance. Being a dancer has provided me with some of my most powerful life transforming lessons. That is why the studio is called Lifehouse. Through dance, we get to learn more about life and ourselves. I look forward to adding more videos throughout the season, and I welcome questions or suggestions for future Noodlin’ with Ms. Nesha topics.
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Nesha Woodhouse: Developing Our Gifts to Improve Ourselves and Bless Others
Nesha Woodhouse is the director of Lifehouse Performing Arts Academy and came from a intensive background in honing one of her beloved gifts–dance. But Nesha learned in her own life–and now passes on to her students–that mastery of our gifts can only truly flourish...